
Waterjet Cutting utilizes high-pressure water streams mixed with abrasives to cut a wide variety of materials cleanly and precisely.

画廊 水刀切割 部件

本展厅展示了我们每个项目的卓越品质和对细节的关注。从复杂的设计到完美的饰面,每张图片都反映了我们在以下方面追求卓越的承诺 水刀切割 .

材料 水刀切割 部件

领先的公司和工程师依靠 MXY Machining 实现快速迭代和耐用的高质量零件。无论是原型设计还是大规模生产,我们广泛的材料范围都能确保我们满足各种独特的要求。 水刀切割 准确、快速地完成项目。


A wide range of metals for CNC machining, with applications in multiple industries. Ideal for both one-off prototypes and end-use custom parts.


A wide range of plastics for CNC machining, with applications in multiple industries. Ideal for both one-off prototypes and end-use custom parts.

表面处理 水刀切割

我们提供的精加工服务包括 水刀切割我们提供多种表面处理选择,以提高零件的耐用性和外观。无论是原型设计还是大规模生产,我们的表面处理解决方案都能确保您的零件在性能和视觉效果上达到最高标准,满足各种需求。

Brushing is a technique that utilizes abrasive pads or brushes to add a finish to the surface of a material. It is commonly used on metal surfaces to enhance their visual appeal. This method is especially effective on stainless steel, creating either a linear or circular pattern on the surface.

Black oxide coating is a popular choice for enhancing the surface of steel and iron. This finish not only provides a visually appealing dark surface, but also offers excellent wear resistance. Additionally, the black oxide coating can enhance the lubricity and durability of the treated surface, making it an ideal option for various applications.

Passivation is a common process used to enhance the corrosion resistance of stainless steel by removing iron impurities and forming a protective oxide layer. This helps to improve the durability and performance of stainless steel in tough environments.

Paint serves as a surface coating that is effective on a wide range of materials, offering both aesthetic enhancement and protection against corrosion. It is available in numerous color options, making it suitable for application on metals, polymers, wood, and various other substrates.

Enhance the shine and smoothness of your materials by utilizing polishing techniques. By using abrasives such as buffing wheels or polishing chemicals, you can elevate the reflectivity and overall aesthetic of metals, resulting in a stunning mirror-like finish.

Alodine coating, also known as chromate conversion coating, is widely used on metals like aluminum. It serves as an excellent primer for paint or powder coatings, providing a durable and corrosion-resistant finish. By creating a thin layer of protection, it enhances the bond between subsequent coatings, ensuring long-lasting results.

Brushing is a technique that utilizes abrasive pads or brushes to add a finish to the surface of a material. It is commonly used on metal surfaces to enhance their visual appeal. This method is especially effective on stainless steel, creating either a linear or circular pattern on the surface.
Anodizing, a commonly used surface treatment for aluminum, creates a protective oxide layer on the metal’s surface. This not only enhances the durability and corrosion resistance of CNC machined parts but also adds to their visual appeal. Moreover, anodizing offers various options for coloring, making it an ideal choice for enhancing the overall aesthetic of the material.
Powder coating is an exceptional dry finishing method that utilizes electrostatic application of fine powder onto various surfaces. Once applied, the curing process takes place to guarantee a permanent treatment. With its remarkable ability to withstand impact, solvents, and UV radiation, powder coating provides an enduring and superior finish. From metals to polymers and even wood, there is a wide range of materials that can benefit from the protective coating of powder.


MXY Machining 已生产了数百万个零件,在众多应用领域拥有深厚的知识。我们尤其擅长需要精密复杂零件制造的行业。无论复杂程度如何,请相信我们的专业技能和质量。


MXY Machining 为汽车行业提供最先进的 CNC 加工解决方案,使复杂零件的生产能够提高效率

框架 1

MXY Machining 为半导体行业提供数控加工服务,可满足制造元件所需的高精度要求


我们的数控加工服务在能源行业至关重要,因为该行业对精度和耐用性要求极高。MXY Machining 支持


MXY Machining 是工业机械行业值得信赖的合作伙伴,它提供的数控加工解决方案可确保设备坚固耐用,并能满足客户的各种需求。


MXY Machining 为电子行业提供精密加工解决方案,生产符合以下严格标准要求的复杂部件


MXY Machining 为通信行业提供专业的数控加工服务,加工对基础设施至关重要的精密零件。

为什么选择 MXY 加工?








MXY 机加工让您的设计栩栩如生

与 MXY Machining 一起体验精密工程。从详细的原型到大批量生产,我们都能将您的理念变为现实。现在就联系我们,讨论您的项目需求!

我们的 水刀切割 服务能力

作为精密制造领域的佼佼者,我们具有满足一次性原型设计和小批量生产的广泛能力。我们擅长生产几何形状复杂、外观精美的零件,确保达到最高质量标准。在 MXY Machining,我们引以为豪的是,我们将成为您以下所有需求的首选制造商 水刀切割 在同一屋檐下提供可靠、高效的解决方案。

